Diving in

I was going to write about going inward. Indeed, I have not posted a picture in a week, and I haven’t taken many pictures with my 333 project in mind. It doesn’t mean it isn’t on my mind. It is just taking a back seat. I can’t seem to secure a job as a pharmacist, and now I have to move end of August, so I am scrambling within for ideas of how to handle things…. times like this force one to look deep inside. It is a time for drastic measures, possible complete upheaval of the personal life, or rather a time to redefine what is most important, most salient, most rewarding and thus worth keeping….or giving up. Where do I need to be?

Seems I have been working my way toward something for quite some time. I started looking into alternative medicine back in November while working for Pharmaca. I truly feel this is somewhere I can explore my passions and use my pharmacy degree, a belief reaffirmed during my rotation at Center for Life in March. I started looking at places to get training in herbals, and ran across Bastyr University in Seattle, among other places. I was working with someone who graduated from Bastyr with his Doctor of Oriental Medicine degree. We had talked a bit about beliefs, and he gave me a CD made by one of his professors Thea Elijah about The Perennial Medicine. It talks about The Perennial Philosophy, and how that same philosophy is inherent in medicine. The Perennial Philosophy, so far as I can see, speaks to me. I have often said that all religions are centered around the same principles and seeking to explain the same questions/anomalies/mysteries in life. Each is built out of a different cultural reference and thus differs in its appearance, but the fundamentals are there. Finally, while listening to this CD, which has been sitting for several months in my bag, I was inspired. The Perennial Philosophy was first publicized by Aldous Huxley, the author of Brave New World and Crome Yellow. I went onto Amazon to find some books by Huxley, and I ordered Brave New World and The Perennial Philosophy. Shortly after that, I read about Crome Yellow, written before Brave New World. That’s when I realized that I had that book, that I had bought Crome Yellow many years ago, probably because it said on the front that it explored love and sex, and I knew at that point that Aldous Huxley was a big name, just wasn’t sure why. I have been known to buy books that I know are interesting and valuable, fully aware that at some point I will want to read them, even if it’s 15 or so years later. Staring at my classics in the bookshelf from the couch (I organize my books by category, since there are so many, and have thought of inventorying them), and I could see that goldenrod colored paperback. Sure enough, upon rising and looking closer, I realized I had a new version of Brave New World already in my bookcase. Two books by Aldous Huxley, just sitting and waiting for the day that they would be most pertinent. I have collected tools along the way, without even knowing when or why they would be useful.

I love when life works that way…. I am feeling things coming around…. my life is wrapping back around, and I am looking back to my initial passions, who I was 20 years ago, who I am now, and what I have gained and lost. I am trying to learn to live my truth. I have been learning to speak it, but now I have to live it, which is a much bigger endeavor, and even more fulfilling. I am a healer, no matter what my mom thinks (she says I am too impatient), but she is wrong.

To make things even more poignant… I have really delved into my personal truth this past couple of years. Today, with my brand new Ellsworth Truth mountain bike waiting for Nick to assemble it, I dug out my personal life reading by my ex mother-in-law, which talks about my Pinnacles. From the age of 0 to 35, I am in a 7 Pinnacle, which ‘ demands “truth”, as there can be no bluffing or subterfuge while working through a 7 vibration…’ At the pinnacle of seeking truth, I am 35 years old. Add to that the quote on www.perennial.org ‘…for all those who sense that, beneath and beyond the diversity of religious forms, there must be Truth, and that since Truth cannot contradict itself, it is always the same Truth.’

Diving in. Planning on growing gills this time around.

The Truth is on its way!

I often talk about truth, and seeking truth, but it seems that Truth found me….. and when it came knocking, I said it was welcome at my home! Can’t wait to see #3!

124/333- Truth, Love, Union

One leads to the next....yet all intermingle....and this is my actual Gerbera, NOT touched up with software

How do you symbolize TRUTH?

So, thinking again about this tat I am planning on getting this year, and I feel that in line with my motto, I should research symbols for TRUTH. I am already looking into symbols for UNION, but haven’t started much with TRUTH yet. Any suggestions?

How would you symbolize TRUTH?


I just found this as the Kanji Truth

Not looking back

Since I am sitting inside on this beautiful, lazy last day of the year, thought I would go ahead and type out my first blog on my NEW laptop. :0)

Looking back on 2009, I had one of the most rocky emotional years of my life. Certainly, 2008 was rough emotionally as well. The difference with 2009 is that I learned more about myself and am finally in a completely different spot in life than ever before. I fell in and out of love, and in the process learned to love myself more. I am forever changed. My relationships will never be the same as before, and that’s a good thing.

Finally, I am owning who I am, not apologizing for being myself. If someone doesn’t accept me, that’s their prerogative, and they can go spend time with someone they do appreciate. I choose to be with those who can appreciate my kookiness, my emotions, my strength and vulnerability, my sensuality and flirtiness, my straight-forward and sometimes in-your-face honesty, my *daughter*, my need to be independent, coupled with my need to lean on someone, and even my insecurities. We all have them. People who can accept my affection, gratitude, generosity, and love graciously and respectfully, knowing I do it without the intention of receiving it back. People who notice and care, about me, life, and love.

Looking AHEAD to 2010

  • I will become Dr. Baker.
  • I will marry for the 3rd and final time, and my name won’t change.
  • I will get my first tattoo, and most likely not my last, as a symbol of my dedication/marriage to myself.
  • I may move out of state for the first time since Keely was a baby, 11 years ago.
  • I will be open and giving, but careful with my heart.

I am excited to go forth and experience the ME I have been neglecting for so long. I am excited to live life with myself and to share my joy with others in my life.

I am going to live my quote of 2009:

‘Freedom is achieved through truth.. Learn yours.. Speak and live it… And accept nothing less from others.. or yourself.’  -Amy Baker 2009